Kouichirou Itou, a 52–year–old anime producer known for his collaborations with director Makoto Shinkai, had previously been arrested for charges involving the alleged solicitation of n*de pictures from a 15-year-old high school girl in Nagano, Japan. Wakayama Prefectural Police says Itou is facing extra charges and he has confessed.
Additional Charges
Kouichirou Itou was charged for paying a 15-year-old girl (minor) he met last year (online) to participate in obscene acts including s*x. The Police says he has admitted to the charge.
The Police said the Girl in question was underage at the time and the report suggests Itou met the minor last summer and paid her over $130 USD to perform obscene acts. The current charge precedes the previous charge of soliciting n*des from a 15-year-old.
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